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Review and evaluation of German, level A2 – complete

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Review and evaluation of German, level A2

in 7 sections

Below you will find the integral test for level A2 to review and evaluate your current level or progress. This test has been broken down into smaller units (7 in total), which will allow you to take the test for the time you need and at the time you want.

The test will contain assessment of the following skills:

  • grammar
    • the declension of adjectives and their comparative and superlative
    • conjunctions (Subjunktionen, Koordinalkonjunktionen, Adverbialkonjunktionen)
    • past tense (conjugation of verbs in the perfect and imperfect tense – “Präteritum”)
  • understanding of spoken German (listening to a dialogue from an audio file)
  • writing an essay (Aufsatz)

Good luck!



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